The Global Warming Fraud - The Big Lie of the 21st Century
As a biologist for over 35 years, I could never get my head around the angst over "global warming", or as it became, "climate change". The polemic never made scientific sense. It certainly should be clear to any rational indvidual that the Kyoto Accord is nothing but a wealth transfer scheme - a scam. The entire concept of "carbon trading" is laughable in its sheer audacity and in-your-face blatant hypocrisy. Inconvenient truth, indeed, Al.
The following video, produced by Britain's Channel 4, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" should help clear your head and purge your soul. Sit back, enjoy the show...
you are a moron....
Gee, Ctemp, please expound ... Don't leave us all hanging...
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