The Editorial Heather Mallick, troll extrordinaire, the fallout continues...continues...

The Editorial

"The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy"©

or, if you'd rather...
"Its my blog and I'll pry if I want to, pry if I want to"
with apologies to Leslie Gore

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis.

©Chris Muir

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heather Mallick, troll extrordinaire, the fallout continues...continues...

Bumped -> Update: Greta VanSusteren and David Warren go at Heather again and have a good discussion about political correctness off the rails in the Canadian and US media. Oh, yes, and Heather, you're still a pig, according to Greta.

Mallick might have got what she wanted after the CBC ran her disgusting trash piece about Sarah Palin, if what she wanted, was notoriety. Certainly, her name is on the lips and keyboards of American media in almost every corner of the republic.

Outside of a couple of articles, though, very little media comment has been made here in Canada. Well, that's not much of a surprise, given the extent to which the CBC and other Canadian media outlets have fallen into the tank with the Liberals. With every excess, the cry to overhaul the CBC just gets louder and louder. You can be sure, majority or minority, when the Conservatives are returned, there will be an orchestrated hue and cry to rip the CBC apart and rebuild it (or not).

But back to Mallick. Her anger and hatred as published by the CBC has had collateral damage far beyond the twitterings of the media darlings. There has been considerable outrage addressed at Canadians in general by Americans, who, also offended as I and many Canadians are, haven't been shy about expressing themselves.

Equally, Canadians who are closer to the truth about Sarah Palin are outraged as well. Mallick's puerile outburst is especially cause for concern amongst Sarah Palin's neighbours:
Sane citizens, who love this country, must ask the begging question: 'what is in it for them'? What is the media involvement in egregious, criminal activities like Adscam, if any? If the msm are not intertwined with the Puffins/Dippers on a very personal/economic level; why do they care so much about the outcome of elections?

I have never understood the freaky hatred the media has for President Bush and I recoiled, in horror, when I read that spewing of hatred and vitriol that Heather 'whats her name' put to paper in a mini mind attempt to attack Governor Palin. Heather Mallick works for the CBC, she is a pubic servant, by the virtue of being paid by taxpayers: she writes for all the people of Canada. Do Canadians think that it is O.K. to attack a Governor of a foreign country, though condescending, mean, sanctimonious smearing of the Governor's family? Governor Palin is very popular here in the North, we value the long standing friendship we Yukoners have with the Great state of Alaska. How are we to react when a freaky public servant takes it upon herself to attempt to slander our good friends, their families and our families via the Governors family from our side of the border?

The brain challenged Mallick has compromised Yukoners. She has not apologized to us or the people of Alaska.

The msm has yet to learn that the door swings both ways. They have been sitting on nice, comfy Liberano furs for so many years that they have no integrity - and neither do many of the civil servants.

Most people, who have ever actually done anything in their lives or have made any decisions under stress understand the gallows humour of Mr. Ritz. Most of the media don't understand that most Canadians do not have nice comfy furs to sit on; we live in a real world where bad things happen. The media are smearing all of us via Gerry Ritz - they have earned our contempt and they have it - most of my friends don't believe anything that the media says anymore.

The question is 'why are we paying these fools who risk our nation's relations with the Governor of Alaska who is running for Vice President?' Why are we paying, TWICE, for the Puffin propaganda in this election?

Indeed, why are we paying for Heather Mallick? The Palin piece was only the latest and sleaziest of several drivebys she's written in recent times, and indeed throughout her career at CBC. If public funds are going to be used to underwrite this troll, let it be for some public institution other than the CBC. An Ontario Hospital, say, where she can explain her anger management issues to a shrink, or to any one of four padded walls.

All of this reminds me of some comments I've heard recently, something about lipstick on a pig...


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