The Editorial On the bias of the media...II

The Editorial

"The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy"©

or, if you'd rather...
"Its my blog and I'll pry if I want to, pry if I want to"
with apologies to Leslie Gore

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis.

©Chris Muir

Sunday, September 07, 2008

On the bias of the media...II

Howie Carr, of the Boston Herald, weighs in:

Media loves to hate Sarah Palin
By Howie Carr, Sunday, September 7, 2008


She’s only 44 years old. She’s just not seasoned enough - and if you don’t believe me, just ask Gloria Steinem, age 74, or Barbara Walters, age 78, or Sally Quinn, age 67, or Eleanor Clift, age 68, or Andrea Mitchell, age 61, or Gail Collins, age 62.

Why, up on the stage, it has been noted that you can distinguish Sarah’s ankles from her calves. She’s never had a Botox injection. The hags of the Hamptons speak as one on this issue. Snow White Palin must be stopped. Anybody got a poisoned apple?


She admits smoking pot as a teenager, which sets a terrible example for the youth of America, unlike Barack Obama, who admits smoking pot as a teenager, and whose “refreshing candor” is a breath of fresh air after eight years of Cheney-Bush.


She’s a member of the Alaska Independence Party - correction, she isn’t, it was The New York Times [NYT] that printed the flat-out lie that she was, in a story that, so said the Times, “called into question how thoroughly Mr. McCain had examined her background.”

You must understand printing lies about Republican candidates is OK. It’s called “vetting.” Printing the truth about liberals - that’s called “swift-boating.” From career MSNBC jock sniffer Keith Olbermann to Barney Frank’s favorite publisher Jann Wenner, the verdict on Palin is unanimous.


Twelve years ago, she considered banning books at the Wasilla Public Library, which is a chilling assault on the First Amendment, unlike Barack Obama, whose campaign 12 days ago tried to shout down an appearance on Chicago radio of an investigative reporter looking into ties between Barack and rabid terrorist Bill Ayers. But that mob of Barack brownshirts besieging WGN can in no way be compared to what Palin did because well, uh, um, it just can’t be, if you know what’s good for you.


[This last item has not been validated in any of the currently circulating versions that I'm aware of. From what I've seen from local sources close to her, she did ask if any books were banned and she did fire the librarian as part of her change-out of appointees in the local public service (the librarian was a supporter of her opponent), but later re-instated her (It appears to be little understood that the American public service structure is different than in Canada and other places, or, at least the Americans use the change-outs more aggressively, a lesson Stephen Harper should have learned when he took office, but didn't. Its important to remember the context that Sarah Palin ran on a reform platform all along, and of course change-outs would be part of that platform, indeed, even the point of it in some cases)]

There's more in the article.


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