The Editorial Editorial is moving...

The Editorial

"The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy"©

or, if you'd rather...
"Its my blog and I'll pry if I want to, pry if I want to"
with apologies to Leslie Gore

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis.

©Chris Muir

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Editorial is moving...

Blogger is reaching the end of its useful life, I believe. Always a bit slow, it is not keeping pace with other blogging formats, such as Wordpress.

Therefore, I've made the decision to begin the process of moving "Ed Times" over to the wordpress engine. While there is merit in Blogger allowing access to the theme code for modification, especially where special features like Chris Muir's superb Day By Day cartoon series are easily added, there are many technological ways in which the blogger format is becoming harder to use (Chris' cartoons will find their way to the new wordpress format somehow, I promise).

The new wordpress format is crisper and cleaner, and fits better where I want the blog to go for the next while. Shortly, and will point to the new site. This site will remain for a while as its base url: I haven't yet made the decision as to how much of the old content will be moved over. This is a labour intensive and slow process, and there is a fair bit of structural work to be done yet on the new site.

The new site is hosted as, but as mentioned above, will eventually be simply and

Editorial originally started in 2003, as an html site that required laborious creation of new html pages for each post entry. Its original purpose remains, to provide selected editorial content concerning issues of the day, with a particular emphasis on Canadian issues, and like many blogs, it ebbs and flows with the interests of its owner and of the issues and topics of the day.

I'm open to adding regular guest contributors, if anyone wants to be a participant. While I am "predominantly" conservative politically, I value considered contrary opinion. This shouldn't be interpreted as providing a forum for "nutroots" of either persuasion, but even they provide a standard on which to compare and contrast. As my tagline says, The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy - one can't exist without the other.