Missing Persons Report: Anybody Seen Dalton McGuinty?
Do we need to issue an Amber Alert? Flash messages on the electronic signs over the 400 series highways? Create and distribute board games entitled "Where's Dalto?"
As the summer season gets underway, Caledonia continues to suffer the ignobility of being ignored by the McGuinty Liberals in the apparently endless illegal obstruction by "residents" of the Six Nations Reserve. It certainly appears clear that no matter which Liberals are in the driver's seat, they still can't find their way to the party.
It also appears clear why the Liberals refused to entrench property rights in the Constitution: they don't want you, really, to have any. Apparently we now have a indefinite moratorium on construction on the lands that the provincial government has, by way of fees, titles and taxes, clearly indicated belonged to the Henning brothers. At a minimum, it appears that whoever paid property taxes over the last 100 or so years on this land is entitled to a refund. The Liberals are not prepared to defend their own belief that the land actually belonged to anybody required to pay taxes.
The moratorium is a "good will gesture to the natives blocking the site" (funny, I never equated "moratorium" as meaning "abdication" before...) Ramsay says "We're looking for a short-term agreement that would get the roadblocks down”.
I have a suggestion for a "short term solution": give the protesters an ultimatum to remove the roadblocks asap, then use the "white folks only" police force to clear them out.
The treatment of the Henning brothers by the McGuinty Liberals is a wake-up call for every property-owning Canadian. Unless you, yourself, are willing to physically defend your own property, you can't rely on the Liberals to do it. The Six Nations members certainly have figured this out. The rest of Canada needs to as well.
The government's response has been a shameful and clear dereliction of constitutional obligation. Detainees arrested under the Criminal Code walking out of court unimpeded during hearings. Police refusal to investigate and lay charges in a kidnapping and assault case. Destruction of municipal, provincial and private property with apparent impunity. Trampling the constitutional rights of the property owners affected, and the collateral rights of the community. An insurance company describes it as an "insurrection" and you'd be hard pressed to prove them wrong. Summer is peak business season for communities south of Caledonia towards Lake Erie on Hwy 6. Are taxpayers, because of Dalton's intransigence, going to have to bail them out too?
The failure of Dalton McGuinty to stick his chin into this mess personally and stand up to the plate is a measure of the perfect uselessness of the Liberal regime. From the ongoing abuses and just outright incompetence detailed by the Auditor General of Canada in the federal arena, to the absence of the provincial Liberals in any meaningful way in Caledonia, Liberalism in Canada stands for nothing. I don't want my tax dollars buying off natives, or developers, to keep them quiet. The Criminal Code defines that as extortion. If it comes to pass that the Confederacy claim is valid and the sales were illegal (not just "immoral", "unethical" or "unapproved", or whatever excuse the Confederacy wants to manufacture to turn back the clock), then make an appropriate accommodation. Otherwise, time to kick butt.
No worries, mates. Apparently McGuinty has indicated he will spend the summer cruising the rest of Canada begging for help to squeeze dollars out of Ottawa, instead of attending to business at home. When the going gets tough, the Liberals get going. Sure beats having to look into the eyes of pissed off citizens, whatever side of the fight they think they're on.