The Editorial September 2007

The Editorial

"The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy"©

or, if you'd rather...
"Its my blog and I'll pry if I want to, pry if I want to"
with apologies to Leslie Gore

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis.

©Chris Muir

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Charles Adler: The NDP values ideology above truth, even in Afghanistan

National Post, Blogs, September 28, 2007

She wore a long black veil to cover her mind by Charles Adler Sept 27/07: “That’s over the top Charles. We never said Karzai was a puppet of the Canadian military,” said the NDP’s Alexa McDonough. Over the top?

Alexa McDonough in a radio interview on Adler on Line, was delivering the “scoop” that much of the messaging in a speech delivered by Afghan President Hamid Karzai in the Canadian House of Commons last year, was prepped for him by Canadian military officials. She insisted that the messages we got weren’t necessarily those that the people of Afghanistan would want us to have. By any objective standard, the NDP is calling Karzai a puppet. What’s over the top is not my characterization of the NDP position. What’s completely out of bounds and over the line is patently false charge that Afghanistan’s first democratically elected leader is a puppet of Canada’s Department of National Defense.

When I asked McDonough to name one single fact in the Karzai speech that was untrue, she said this issue wasn’t about the truth. The former boss of the New Democratic Party spoke volumes with that little chestnut. Ideologues care little about the truth. It’s all about ideology. Karzai,in the Canadian Parliament, simply delivered his boiler plate speech to the West. He talked about an Afghanistan where instead of schools being burned to the ground, they were being rebuilt, and instead of girls being denied the right to go to school, there were now two million of them attending. He talked about an Afghanistan where 20% of the members of their parliament were women, and where per capita incomes were going up instead of down.

Yes he was grateful to our military for helping to create a better life for many Afghans. The NDP could learn a lot from the graciousness of the Afghan leader. He has far more respect for our military than the NDP does. And it isn’t because military communications people laid down a few words on a piece of paper to help him get his message across. It’s because they laid down their lives to give his people an opporunity to have a life.

I gave Alexa McDonough three chances to come up with a single fact stated by the President of Aghanistan that wasn’t accurate. Three times she swung her propaganda bat and missed. The NDP’s issue, in their own words, isn’t about the truth. It is a remarkable confession from a Canadian political party which continues to offer feint praise for the bravery of our troops but consistently fails to admit that they have made a difference for the people who inhabit one of the poorest countries in the world.

When McDonough was asked if she could admit that our troops were doing some good down there, she would not do so. I offered her the litmus test of honesty by asking her to tell me how many of the 2 million girls now going to schools in Afghanistan would be attending school if our troops and other NATO forces had not been sacrificing their lives? “Charles you know that is a question that is impossible to answer.” “How about zero, Ms McDonough? That would be a truthful answer.”

She then called my arithmetic ridiculous. What requires public ridicule is the idea that the NDP has even a shred of moral authority on issues involving our military. What’s clear as a bell is that the party has no respect for the military because of their inability to distance themselves for their core pacifist ideology. The NDP refuses to acknowledge that sometimes when bad things happen to people, the only way to stop it is to kill the bad guys, or as General Hillier once called them, the scumbags.

The NDP refuses to acknowledge that there are times when the only way to help people is through armed force. It is not NDP rhetoric that opened up the schools of Afghanistan and converted the soccer stadium in Kabul from a place to execute “disobedient” women to a place where teams now play soccer. It is not NDP rhetoric that has created better health care for many Afghans and freedom from the Taliban barbarians that the NDP seem to prefer.

At least those headchopping, women hating Taliban types aren’t reading speeches that have been vetted by the Canadian military. Isn’t that something Canadians should respect? When given a choice between condemning the democratically elected leader of Afghanistan or the thugs that who would condemn that country to the dark ages, the NDP position is now crystal clear. And while Alexa McDonough did not have to wear a head covering to do an interview in Canada, a country kept free by the military she tries to diminish, the objective truth was concealed by her prepared talking points. For my part, I am eternally grateful to the Canadian military for keeping me free enough to have the opporunity to unmask the dishonesty of the party that some stooges of the left continue to call the conscience of parliament.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Nine, Eleven... 2,996 ...24, now 72... numbers for the 21st century (Reprise)

(Reprised from September 11, 2006, the 5th anniversary of 9/11, and updated, some.)

24 Canadians lost in the twin towers, 9/11, lest we forget: (As with all things in time, many of the hosts from the 2996 project have moved on. Yet still, Canada remembers that 9/11 devastated Canadians too. Our world has changed, and evermore today, the struggle for humanity continues... Lest we forget...)

Michael Arczynski * Garnet Bailey * David Barkway * Ken Basnicki * Jane Beatty * Cindy Connolly * Arron Dack * Christine Egan * Michael Egan * Albert Elmarry * Meredith Ewart * Peter Feidelberg * Alexander Filipov * Ralph Gerhardt * Stuart Lee * Mark Ludvigsen * Bernard Mascarenhas * Colin McArthur * Michel Pelletier * Donald Robson * Roy Santos * Vladimir Tomasevic * Chantal Vincelli * Debbie Williams.

H/T to JYC for the list (You know who you are. Thank you.)

Reuters: Jeff Christensen

Maybe after Jack Layton and the rest of the NDP children finish strutting around being sanctimonious, pompous, and just plain stupid in Quebec City, they can take a moment to look at that picture. Taken 15 minutes after the first tower came down.

15 minutes later, they were gone too.

The terror and the horror of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, can never be allowed to fade. There is no negotiation, no appeasement of ideologies that can erase or legitimize the actions of terrorists that day. The 24 Canadians lost, and the 2,972 others representing 90 nations of the world, bear silent witness to the fight that must be fought.

Take the time to browse the links and reflect on 9/11. Do take the time.

For everyone else who understands why we fight for democracy and freedom, who dares to be reminded of the reason for the iconic phrase "9/11", the sites below offer an especially poignant journey back...


Dedicated to the Men and Women...

FDNY -Blood of Heroes

The first, a photographic memorial, the others, video tributes worthy of viewing... Lengthy. Bring a hanky.

The Victims...

World Trade Center, The Pentagon, Flight 11, Flight 175,
Flight 77, Flight 93

The 2996 Project

... was a web effort to recognize and honour each of the victims of 9/11. 3,013 people had signed up to prepare a tribute to each one of the 9/11 souls lost to the tragedy. Browse the list to know the real loss. I am pleased to say that I had confirmed all of the links to the Canadian tributes then (most have now moved on...). A very heartfelt thank you for all of those in the 2996 Project who took the time to care, and participate. The tributes are to remain on their hosts site until Midnight September 11, 2006 (a few remain). I hope that perhaps those that can, will leave them a bit longer so that family and friends may have an opportunity to find them. God bless you all.

And from the core of 9/11, evolves the conflicts of Iraq, and Afghanistan. Afghanistan, Jack. There's a reason why these 72 Canadians were there, and are there, eternally...

* Maj. Raymond Ruckpaul * Master Warrant Officer Mario Mercier * Master Cpl. Christian Duchesne * Pte. Simon Longtin * Cpl. Jordan Anderson * Cpl. Cole Bartsch *Master Cpl. Colin Bason * Capt. Matthew Johnathan Dawe * Capt. Jefferson Francis * Pte. Lane Watkins * Cpl. Stephen Frederick Bouzane * Sgt. Christos Karigiannis * Pte. Joel Vincent Wiebe * Trooper Darryl Caswell * Master Cpl. Darrell Priede * Cpl. Matthew McCully * Master Cpl. Anthony Klumpenhouwer * Trooper Patrick James Pentland * Master Cpl. Allan Stewart * Pte. David Robert Greenslade * Pte. Kevin Vincent Kennedy * Sgt. Donald Lucas * Cpl. Brent Poland * Cpl. Christopher P. Stannix * Cpl. Aaron E. Williams * Cpl. Kevin Megeney * Chief Warrant Officer Robert Girouard * Cpl. Albert Storm * Sgt. Darcy Tedford * Pte. Blake Williamson * Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson * Sgt. Craig Paul Gillam * Cpl. Robert Thomas James Mitchell * Pte. Josh Klukie * Cpl. Glen Arnold * Pte. David Byers * Cpl. Shane Keating * Cpl. Keith Morley * Pte. Mark Anthony Graham * Pte. William Jonathan James Cushley * Warrant Officer Frank Robert Mellish * Warrant Officer Richard Francis Nolan * Sgt. Shane Stachnik * Cpl. David Braun * Cpl. Andrew James Eykelenboom * Master Cpl. Jeffrey Scott Walsh * Master Cpl. Raymond Arndt * Pte. Kevin Dallaire * Sgt. Vaughn Ingram * Cpl. Bryce Jeffrey Keller * Cpl. Christopher Jonathan Reid * Cpl. Francisco Gomez * Cpl. Jason Patrick Warren * Cpl. Anthony Boneca * Capt. Nichola Goddard * Cpl. Matthew Dinning * Bombardier Myles Mansell * Cpl. Randy Payne * Lt. William Turner * Pte. Robert Costall *Capt. Trevor Greene * Cpl. Paul Davis * Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson * Diplomat Glyn Berry * Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield * Cpl. Jamie Brendan Murphy * Cpl. Robbie Christopher Beerenfenger * Sgt. Robert Alan Short * Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer * Pte. Richard Green * Sgt. Marc D. Leger * Pte. Nathan Smith *