Pretty Please, With Sugar On It...
Ok, boys and girls ,you best behave now, 'cause Uncle Dalto is not happy. Apparently all of the rumblings from the grassroots, the incessant phone calls from OPP brass, the silent polling of constituents, have galvanized Dalton McGuinty into action (well, his mouth into action).
"We're asking the leadership of the First Nations community involved to please remove those barricades as evidence of goodwill on their part."
Wow. Please. Mumble, mumble, goodwill, mumble, mumble...
When asked what he would do if they refused: "we'll see".
Wow. Take that, you renegades! Its not nice to mess with Dalton McGuinty, no siree.
Early last Sunday morning, an assemblage of OPP, consisting of an armoured truck, 6 large trucks, 4 Suburbans, and 2 cruisers, and at least 20 officers in full tactical gear, was seen at a coffee shop and McDonald's in Brantford, about 20 minutes from Caledonia. Its not known whether they were coming or going, but since there was no "breaking news" throughout the weekend, apparently they weren't going anywhere. While it had been hoped they were off to clear the blockades, its more likely they were following up on this, from McGuinty:
"I'm very pleased that warrants have been issued . . . I was angered and deeply disappointed that these particular individuals did what they did,"Bad protestors. Yep, Dalto's upset. So upset he's apparently had the OPP strut around in full kit pursuing warrants even though everybody knows the OPP won't enter the reserve to serve them... Too bad the Golden Helmets were previously booked, it would have made a fine show.
Well, Dalto, we're deeply disappointed too. We're really sorry you're having to have a hissy fit and not show up at the "negotiations". Take that, you renegades!
While we're no particular fan of Mike Harris, we can appreciate his prescience when he stated during the campaign that put Dalto in office that Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals were "not up to the job". Mike didn't get a lot of things right, but he nailed that one.
For more on the back story to the insurrection, see Angry in the Great White North. Really is a shame when altruism becomes a dirty word.