The Editorial July 2006

The Editorial

"The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy"©

or, if you'd rather...
"Its my blog and I'll pry if I want to, pry if I want to"
with apologies to Leslie Gore

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis.

©Chris Muir

Friday, July 21, 2006

Politics/Cartoons - Where the line is drawn... [Pt.2]

Selected excerpts of what the non-verbal observers are writing about these days...

Both of these cartoons are in reference to Prime Minister Harper's decision to send the Prime Ministerial jet to pick up evacuees from Lebanon, on his way home from G8 meetings in Europe. The ever humble press gallery were require to make alternate flight arrangements.


Graeme MacKay

Tidbits from the MEM* - I

*MEM = Middle East Mess. There is now so much news from the ME, mostly bad, that it's time for acronyms. Short SITREP SYNOPs of MEM items from my RSS [feeds]:

Southeast Asians En Route to Middle East to Fight the Israelis: Bombastic Threats of a Previously Unknown Organization or the Real Deal?
By Zachary Abuza

"News reports carried on the website of the Indonesian daily Detik and by the Antara news wire are making clear that the events in the Middle East are reverberating in Southeast Asia. The two articles report that a group of 217 Southeast Asian jihadis have pledged to travel to Lebanon to fight the Israelis. This group, calling themselves the Palestine Jihad Bombing Troops (PBJ) is hitherto unknown. However, at the group’s 19 July meeting in Jakarta, the spokesman/organizer was Suaib Didu, the head of the radical Indonesian student organization, the Islamic Youth Movement (known by its Indonesian acronym, GPI). Suaib is also chairman of AMSEC (ASEAN Muslim Youth Secretariat), in whose capacity this week’s meeting/press conference was held. At the meeting, Suaib, presented 12 of the 217 jihadis. According to press reports, they were “dressed entirely in black and wore full face balaclavas.” Several of the 12 claimed to be Afghan veterans. Suaib explained, "They came here today to discuss plans for their fight in Palestine." [continues at link]

Ground Push Imminent as Hizballah Rockets Fly
By Steve Schippert

5,000 More Reserves Called Up and Lebanese Civilians Warned as IDF Prepares to Roll Into Lebanon

As at least 19 civilians are wounded in Haifa in yet another Hizballah barrage on the Israeli port city, Israel is stepping up its warning to civilians in south Lebanon to leave the southern areas immediately. After over a week of hammering Hizballah positions since the northern front opened, it appears the IDF rolling into Hizballah territory is the next logical option. [continues at link]

Worst Case Scenario: Hezbollah's Conventional Forces
By Bill Roggio

The Israeli Defense Forces and Hezbollah have fought pitched battles over the past two days in the region around Avivim. Ynet News reports nine Israeli soldiers were wounded during the fighting, and two were killed in the nearby town of Maroun al-Ras. "Attempts to rescue some of the injured were carried out under relentless fire," according to the Ynet News report. Six Hezbollah cells were engaged during the attack. Israeli forces have withdrawn from the area. [continues at link]

Worst Case Scenario II: Hezbollah's Ambush of the Golani Brigade
By Bill Roggio

Worst Case Scenario: Hezbollah's Conventional Forces: Hezbollah's Conventional Forces, we discussed Hezbollah's surprising conventional military prowess and weaponry, and reported of an ambush on a unit operating in Lebanon near Avivim. Haaretz reports that four soldiers from the Golani Brigade were killed and five wounded during the ambush, and the unit withdrew from the batlefield after the encounter, under heavy fire. Excerpted from the Haaretz article, the emphasis is mine:

The hardest clashes Thursday took place at the outskirts of the village of Maroun Ras in the central sector of the border area, just north of Moshav Avivim. This is the second day of fighting in the same area where two IDF soldiers were killed Wednesday. [continues at link]

The Lebanon evacuation window
by Walid Phares

As I have witnessed previous evacuations in Lebanon for about two decades, and as I am monitoring the ongoing evacuations of Western and American citizens by US and European military, I was able to establish a security map through which the evacuation is taking place. In short it is happening in a very dangerous geopolitical context, more than many believed it would be. [continues at link]

United Nations an Accomplice in Hezbollah Kidnapping
by Dave Kopel

United Nations an Accomplice in Hezbollah Kidnapping: After Hezbollah's kidnapping of a pair of Israeli soldiers spurred an Israeli counter-attack, many critics of Israel actions have suggested that the United Nations can serve as a buffer between Israel and Hezbollah. To the contrary, the United Nations has a well-established record of collaboration with Hezbollah in the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. [continues at link]

Hezbollah wins hearts in Gaza
by Lucy Williamson

While Israeli forces fight militants across its northern border, and the Israeli public waits for the return of its captured soldiers, the other fight - and the search for Israel's other captured soldier - has been continuing in Gaza, to the south. [continues at link]

Some important missed facts on the Hezbollah/Iran/Syria-Israel war
by Olivier Guitta

In the same vein of my latest July 13 post, here is some additional info that has been overlooked:

1- Over two weeks ago, Hezbollah's leader Nasrallah told opposition leader Walid Jumblatt: "The stability of Lebanon is vital for us. We have to preserve the touristic season and continue with a dialogue between the different political parties."

2- After the Syrian Army left last year, not only did Syrians still place officials in the Lebanese Army, Secret Service, and high in the administration (for more on that, please read my piece in the "Daily Standard" here), but also Hezbollah did the same.

3- Nasrallah admitted that it took five months of preparation to plan this operation.

4- As Bill Roggio pointed out, linking to the English portion of an Asharq Al-Awsat article:

"The source said more than 3,000 Hezbollah members have undergone training in Iran, which included guerrilla warfare, firing missiles and artillery, operating unmanned drones, marine warfare and conventional war operations. He said they have also trained 50 pilots for the past two years. According to the source, Hezbollah currently possesses four types of surface-to-surface missiles, some of which extend to a distance of 150 kilometers." [continues at link]

MSM getting it wrong, again, Vol. II

Globe and Mail bites the weinie.

Peter is getting short/sharp about those lovable trolls in the MSM.
Facts - what a concept!

Dear Mr. Greenspon,

The Globe and Mail's front-page story suggesting that the Prime Minister's Office - or his Director of Communications - in any way hampered the efforts of the evacuation of Canadians in Lebanon is absolutely and patently false.

What is particularly unfortunate about your story is that such a statement could make it to the front page of your paper, supported by only unnamed "federal sources" and no effort whatsoever to contact the Prime Minister's Office to verify the accuracy of the claim. If you have a source that made such a false statement, I want to assure you via this letter that it is completely and absolutely untrue. I would also hope that, the next time the Globe and Mail suggests that the Prime Minister's Office was complicit in putting Canadians in harm's way, you would demonstrate the journalistic integrity to name your source and allow this office to comment on the record for the story.

The Prime Minister - and his office - has done everything possible to expedite evacuation efforts and has been receiving hourly updates on the status of operations. The Prime Minister's Office has supported Government officials to leverage every contact and every resource to expedite the evacuation of Canadians from Lebanon. The Prime Minister's Office has encouraged Government officials to be as forthcoming and timely with information as possible, while respecting the security protocols required for evacuation planning. The Prime Minister is fully committed to the evacuation of all who choose to leave Lebanon and to ensuring their immediate security and safety.

Given the severity of the current situation and operations in the Middle East, I would strongly encourage you as the Editor in Chief of the Globe and Mail to not allow uninformed and false sniping from the shadows of anonymity. I strongly believe that such serious allegations require sources that are prepared to go on the record - and stand by their statements in the light of day. It is profoundly disturbing and disappointing that an institution such as the Globe and Mail would allow such a story to be printed without either naming its source or allowing the Prime Minister's Office to comment.

The very serious allegations you printed are completely untrue and without merit. I sincerely hope in the future that the Globe and Mail takes its responsibilities to Canadians - and the truth - far more seriously than you have today.

In the interests of correcting your false and misleading story today, I am making this letter public via other members of Canada's media.

Peter G. MacKay
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Monday, July 17, 2006

Politics/Cartoons - Where the line is drawn... [Pt.1]

Selected excerpts of what the non-verbal observers are writing about these days...

Cox & Forkum:

Monday, July 03, 2006

The right to bear arms and strawberry flavoured liquorice shoelaces - a parable

You might ask, what on earth does the right to bear arms have to do with candy?  The answer may be "the survival of a nation".  Tom Utley in the Daily Mail in England writes of a manuscript he received, entitled "The Icon of St. Elias". The futuristic story is an ideological remake of George Orwell's "1984".
Utley hasn't had to look too far to find the precursors of such a future in the government of Britain's plan to establish a $500 million database on the life history of all its nation's 12 million children. From Mr. Utley:

Among other things, the Children's Index will record whether a child's parents are providing a 'positive role model', how the child is performing at school — and even whether youngsters are eating the daily five portions of fruit and vegetables recommended by the Government.

Presumably, children will be questioned at school each morning on what their parents fed them the night before.

The database, we are told, will be made available to social workers, teachers and doctors, who will have the power to flag up 'concerns' when they think that children are not meeting the criteria laid down by the state.

This really is frightening stuff: an administration gone absolutely berserk with power. What earthly business is it of this government — or any future one — what my children eat, at my kitchen table, in my house?

If I sound nervous, that is because there was a time about six years ago when our youngest — 13 today — would eat almost nothing but strawberry-flavoured liquorice shoelaces, HAP (honey and peanut butter) sandwiches and packets of crisps. How would that look on the Children's Index?

Oh, Patricia Hewitt — dear, sweet, kind Secretary of State for Health — I promise you that we tried to make him eat up his greens. He just wouldn't. Please don't take him away from us.

I have other worries, too, which make me dread the arrival of a phalanx of social workers at my door, to condemn me as a lousy 'role model' and march my boys into care.

Those who have followed the development of social control laws in Britain should be squirming over the eminent sense such a program makes to the parliamentary machinery currently held in a headlock by liberal nanny-statists "over 'ome". To continue from Mr. Utley:
But there is a very serious point to all this. This new computer database is part of the Government's response to the heart-rending tragedy that befell eight-year-old Victoria Climbie, who died in 2000 after being treated with appalling cruelty by her great aunt.

The idea of the Children's Index, says the Government, is to act as an early warning system to identify children at risk.

But this completely misses the point of what went wrong in Victoria's case. It wasn't that nobody alerted the authorities to her plight. On the contrary, police, doctors and social workers all had contact with her during her abuse — in which she suffered no fewer than 128 injuries.

They were alerted in the time-honoured way — not by a computer, but by good-natured and public-spirited people, who noticed that something was terribly wrong with the way the poor child was being treated.

Mr. Utley predicts, given the reality that the state makes a lousy parent, that the "Children's Index will not save a single child's life".

But where's the hook to gun-loving Americans, you ask? The much vaunted Gun Registry in Canada was regularly touted as a necessary social database and tool to protect Canadians from the "abuses" of firearms owners in Canada, who apparently had been running roughshod over women and children for decades, but doing it so clandestinely that practically nobody noticed. At least, not until the Coalition for Gun Control and Al Rock and the Liberal Party declared a public disaster and proceeded to produce the Canadian equivalent of the Children's Index for gun owners. "If it only saves one life" became, and still is, the mantra of those nanny-statists who continue to believe that Canada remains in the grip of rampaging firearms owners just waiting for the opportunity to kill, and kill again (don't believe this? Spend some quality time with the so-called mayor of Toronto, David Miller).

Fast forward to this past, and next, week. The world's avowed nannyists are currently meeting at the United Nations to review the protocol on illicit trade in firearms. Many statist representatives and NGOs want the protocol process to expand and continue through to at least 2012. While Kofi Annan, the General Secretary of the U.N., states in his lead remarks on the website that the program is not intended to target civilian ownership of firearms, it should be clear that that is exactly who it is aimed at. Couched in phraseology aimed at preventing the flow of military weapons between non-state combatants, it really is about preventing citizens from being armed. After all, that is who and where these firearms go to.

A review of the intervenor list will clearly show two distinct groups: the civilian organizations who represent the belief that citizens must maintain the right to civilian arms ownership, and those organizations who are dedicated to removal of all firearms from any but state hands. It is strategic that many of the latter groups represent victimization. It has been long a tactic of nanny-statists to foster guilt in those they wish to control.

Of the nations lining up to support and continue the protocol, are a veritable who's who of states with known histories of totalitarian and human rights abuses, and those with bureaucracies committed to the nanny-state dogma. Canada, despite a change in government, remains front and centre in promoting the belief that an armed citizenry is bad for governance, and its mission continues to promote the previous Liberal government's agenda of citizen and victim disarmament.

The United States, because of their constitutionally entrenched right to maintain a civilian check on governmental power, by force, if necessary, have said, flatly, no - any move to limit the guarantees in the Second Amendment will not fly. History is replete with examples of states and despots who, in the name of "peace and good government", have supported disarmament of civilians. Genocide has occasionally been the consequence.

There is no doubt that the ravages of civil war and anarchy take a toll on soldiers and civilians alike. But freedom and democracy sometimes demand, and exact, a heavy toll in the fight against those who would take them away. Make no mistake, there is no democracy in an autocratic nanny-state. At the U.N., there are many state governments who are using the nanny-state NGOs to legitimize the disarmament of their citizens (there are now so many NGOs, that the U.N. could quite correctly be called the U.NGO.).

As the world moves toward overpopulation and critical resource depletion, survival of a nation will depend on its ability to defend itself, and ultimately, for its citizens to defend themselves, in order to defend their nation.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


UPDATE: While the conference concluded without a resolution in regard to SALW, Canada's Department of External Affairs continues to promote the Liberal agenda of ending civilian ownership of firearms. Its still important to contact Minister Mckay (below) to tell him that a) you will not stand for the disarmament of civilians, and, b) demand that he take control of his department so that it may reflect true Canadian values and not the agenda of the Liberal Party of Canada.

From the Canadian Shooting Sports Association / Canadian Institute for Legislative Action at the UN Small Arms and Light Weapons Conference:

Shooters of Canada:

We need your immediate assistance at the United Nations. While the Americans have drawn some hard lines in the sand regarding civilian firearms ownership, the Canadian delegation is spouting “weasel words” to try and placate European interests without appearing hostile towards our southern neighbours.

Despite numerous communications from CILA to Foreign Affairs… OUR LONG TERM INTERESTS ARE BEING SOLD OUT.

We need you to write immediately to the PMO and Foreign Affairs. SEND IT BY FAX

Tell them we want the Canadian government to order the Delegation to stop paying lip service to firearms owners, respect the statement made by Canadian Ambassador Laurin and to publicly include language in their statements that respects our rights. Tell them you support the American position to lawful private firearms ownership from the Conference mandate, that ammunition MUST not be added to the discussion and that the Canadian government recognizes the legitimacy of sport shooting and private firearms ownership. In addition, tell them the American position, that this is to be the last global Small Arms Conference, is a responsible use of our tax dollars and you support it.

DO THIS NOW! There are only a few days left to achieve these goals and if you delay, all of us are in grave jeopardy.

Circulate this to everyone and get them to act IMMEDIATELY.

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper Fax: (613) 941-6900
The Honourable Peter Mackay, Minister of Foreign Affairs Fax: (613) 992-2337

Tony Bernardo
Executive Director - CILA

Some background at GunControlCanada and discussion at CGN.