A Glimpse of the Future...
Much has been made over the weekend of an article in the Globe & Mail (Two visions prevail for ‘bad boy' province) in which the writers refer to Alberta as the 'bad boy' of confederation. Although the story is ostensibly about Ralph's Klein's possible heirs, it adds the obligatory eastern media's slur on western perspectives (i.e. not Toronto's).
But the real story here is not the article itself: its the sixty-odd comments from on-line readers appended to the story before the editors mercifully shut it off.
Reading through the commentary should send shivers up the spine of any normal rational Canadian, at the extent to which individuals will go in print to demonstrate the intolerance, the ignorance, the sheer maliciousness, that has become the badge of liberalism, both here in Canada, and around the world.
Canadians should rightly fear the tone of puerility that propagates throughout many of the writings of these folks. The 'values' that are emerging from this "neo"-liberalism represent none of the highly moral code of tolerance and accommodation that purports to be the historical basis of liberalism in Canada and elsewhere.
What is evident here is nothing but petulant elitism, something you might expect from spoiled children long on material aspirations and very short on spiritual compass, and quite devoid of intellectual content beyond grade school hyperbole.
The bellwether of a Canadian world under the thumb of liberalism has to be Britain. That sad rock has reached an unprecedented parallelism with George Orwell's 1984 in recent years. From its legislated social hegemony to the recent intent to fingerprint motorists during traffic stops and eavesdrop on casual conversations, neo-liberal political correctness is moving swiftly to embrace its fundamental antithesis, something we used to call "Authoritarianism". You will be tolerant, or you will not be tolerated....
It has become the hallmark of the neo-liberal to legislate what it can't persuade. In the bustling metropolis of Saskatoon, in the heart of prairie country, the police were promoting a ban on knives, at the insistence of one Myles Heidt, city councillor. A notable quote from Mr. Heidt:
"People nowadays can't manage their lives. They need laws for everything."The context is about banning the carrying upon the person of any knife "longer than your little finger in public".
Well, no, they don't need laws for everything. We already have laws for everything, with no demonstrable spine to enforce them. There are already a range of laws governing the use and carry of knives under a variety of circumstances, even taken to the Supreme Court level over the kirpan issue (ceremonial dagger carried by Sikhs). Banning - the magic bullet for neo-liberals worldwide. Ignore the laws governing behavior, and attack the object.
The logical fallacy should be obvious. Social re-engineering is the favourite sop of the neo-liberal, yet rather than dealing with the behavior at the roots of perceived problems, they simply attack objects - guns, knives, speech, opinions, rights.
Canadians need to be vigilant to the clear and present danger to their future posed by an ideology that no longer recognizes and respects individualism. The neo-liberal no longer embraces small "l" liberalism; he doesn't even understand what it means.