The Editorial November 2008

The Editorial

"The Thorn of Dissent is the Flower of Democracy"©

or, if you'd rather...
"Its my blog and I'll pry if I want to, pry if I want to"
with apologies to Leslie Gore

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” CS Lewis.

©Chris Muir

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On the 11th day, at the 11th hour, in the 11th month...

Vignette courtesy Veterans Affairs Canada
©Veteran Affairs Canada

When I prepared this video for last year, Canada's Afghanistan mission had lost 72, now we are a hundred fallen. For those who still don't get the value here, look around, look to your family, your life, the blessings that you have. In truth, we can't all get along, and so we must fight, constantly, for the freedoms and liberties we all take for granted. And if you question the sacrifice for those liberties, ask those who don't have them, whether the fight is worth it. On Remembrance Day, the clock cannot be set back. This isn't about where we are going, its about where we have been.

For the youngsters of today who believe in social justice, look back at what it takes, sometimes, to achieve it, when the fight has to be taken up on a global scale. You can only imagine the horrors of those years, only imagine. Your parents and grandparents had to live them. Don't turn your back on what others surrendered for your future, else it be your future too...

Other remembrances and information can be found at the Veteran Affairs Canada Remembrance Week website, and on other pages on their site.

Their Links page has a wide variety of additional information.

If you are Canadian, please take the time to visit their pages and explore the reasons why there is a Remembrance Day. The freedoms and privileges that Canadians enjoy and take for granted came at a price - take the time to learn the stories.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Death watch for the MSM now in play

A succinct and well-put comment on the issue of the abdication of the media in its responsibility in the US election, from SDA:

"I'm absolutely confounded by those who still won't admit that the MSM were almost all entirely behind the Obama campaign"

I'm with you Robert W. Imagine if Barack Obama’s life, policies and mistakes had been examined by media as vigorously and relentlessly as they probed into Sarah Palin’s.

Good heavens, what does it mean when the media overlooks as an issue as important as Mr. Obama’s original declaration that he would accept public funding and the corresponding spending limits only to suddenly abandon that idea and raise over 600 million dollars. The screams of “BUYING AN ELECTION” and “FLIP FLOP” would have been deafening had Mr. McCain done precisely the same thing. Instead Obama raises a 4 to 1 advantage in money over McCain and there was barely a peep from his biggest supporters, the so-called fair and balanced media.

When you think of it, Mr. Obama hardly needed that massive bankroll to buy media advertising, given the press was giving it to him free anyway.

Where was the outrage in the press over the inconsistencies of Mr. Obama’s pledge to cut taxes on households earning less than $200.000. a year while raising taxes on those who make more than $250,000 annually. On October 28th Obama’s Vice Presidential Candidate declared that the tax cut would only go to those earning $150,000. Then, on Oct. 31st on a radio program the current Democratic Governor Bill Richardson stated that only those that make under$120,000. will get a tax cut. It is hard to imagine the scale of the outrage if McCain had blundered this badly. Why are the Democrats backing off? If they had wanted to, the media could have reported that the top 1% or taxpayers pay 35% (of all the US taxes), top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab, -and the bottom 50 percent pay just 3 percent of the taxes. In other words Obama has to raise taxes the very middle class he purports to cut taxes for. Too bad the media did not go to work for the whole electorate before voting day.

And where was the press investigation into the ramifications of Mr. Obama’s plan to raise raise taxes on corporations and the “rich”. Mr. Obama promised to assess a windfall profits tax on oil companies like Exxon and distribute a $1000. of the proceeds to those who pay little taxes to no taxes at all. Sounds good, even sounds nice. However when the Democratic Presidential candidate Obama and his personal Main Stream Media advertising team overlooked a few things. Yes, Exxon makes $1400 a second in profit, but Exxon also pay’s $4000 a second in taxes and $15,000 a second in costs......almost 3 times (285%) as much profit to the government than they put in their own piggy bank. They are already paying a massive amount of taxes to that get directed to the less fortunate. How much more can they take before they bog off to a lower tax jurisdiction. Like maybe Canada.

With a corporate tax rate of 39.4 % rate (second highest in the OECD) forecast to rise under Obama, corporations have to begin looking next door to Canada where their current 36.4% rate is scheduled to drop dramatically to 29.25% in 2012 (combined Fed/Prov). How is it that the far more socialist Canada is offering business a better deal than the USA, the greatest bastion of capitalism in history? Probably because we learned the hard way that raising taxes higher on business and subsidizing failing ones in the past killed jobs, the economy and ultimately reduced the amount of taxes that found its way into federal treasuries.

The media bias robbed voters of accurate, fair and balanced reporting on a huge broad range of subjects vital to the future health of their nation. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness got replaced with deception, avoidance, and media collaboration in the cause of ever larger and intrusive government.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

America misses a class act, goes for flash over substance.

Catch the part where she mentions that not only did she run around the country campaigning, she also maintained her Governor's duties full time as well. Seriously underestimated. Apparently much too busy in public service to write her autobiography, twice even.